Why You Are Not Straight

Time for some truth for all my hyper masculine men and fragilely feminine women of the world. Heterosexuality is a myth. Sorry to burst your bubble (I am really not though). If it makes you feel better though, homosexuality, in my book, is equally a load of shit. Sorry my fellow gays but let me... Continue Reading →

Mind My Vagina: A Tale of “Too Tightness”

I think my vagina is too tight. When I explain why I think my front booty is a bit "too tight", you will understand why that statement is even MORE outlandish than it sounds. This story will be a lot easier to explain if I start with how I lost my hymen. Yes, my hymen,... Continue Reading →

What the hell is this?

Well, dear reader, This is a place for perverts. Both in an archaic way (atheist) and modern way (shout out to all the BDSM, Furries, Swingers, etc). This is a place for people like me, people who go to college and post "artsy" wine and sunset pics on Instagram with one mask on and put... Continue Reading →

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